
You IQ 3: Find and Cultivate Your Talents

I wasn’t necessarily planning on discussing this at this point, but life has a way of bringing things to our attention that must be acknowledged. 

Yes, it is true that we give 10% of all profits to youth mental wellness programs. And that encouraged us to hold an art competition with a local school to help us develop our next design. We were floored!!! The talent that these students demonstrated was nothing short of amazing. Frankly, we narrowed our choices to four pieces, but we need a little help. 

There is definitely more to this blog, but take a look at the images in our poll and help us out. Please vote for your favorite new t-shirt design here. Thanks in advance…

Back to the blog…talents. As you see by the art samples, these students have some serious artistic talent! If you asked them, they would hopefully acknowledge that. But my experience in my 25 years of teaching junior high students is that most students are not aware of their talents.

In dealing with older teenagers and adults, I would say that many are still searching for their primary talent even as they grow older!

Talents are interesting things. Many are inherent skills that remain hidden or underdeveloped for one reason or another. I, for one, know I have a talent for teaching. Drilling down to the true talent, my talent is actually relating to people in a way where they feel comfortable around me. Can you see where that could be useful as a junior high teacher? Some might use such a talent in sales. They might understand themselves to be a good salesperson, when relating to people is their actual strength.

So, why do some talents remain hidden from those who possess them? Self-reflection (or lack thereof) is usually the primary cause. We tend to live our lives at such a fast pace that we don’t take stock of such things! Trust me…take the time to find out if you don’t already.

We should not underestimate the importance of developing our talents. The key is in the word “developing.” As the saying goes, “Effort beats talent, when talent doesn’t put in the effort.” We need to not only know the talent exists, but we also must cultivate it. As our newer product line speaks to, this is the way we can flourish. 

Your “You IQ” will take a serious turn upward once you find and cultivate your talents. And, as a result, success will flow naturally. Many people talk about identifying weaknesses so that they may be addressed. That may be true, but your talents are what will make you great.

Thanks so much to Miss Andrea and the students at Nevada City School of the Arts for submitting such wonderful artwork. I know those that enjoy a BAPU life will see the beauty in your creations. 


Chuck, AKA Padre

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